UltrafluxDigisonic E Ultrasonic Portable Flowmeter

The Ultraflux DigiSonic E is based on the ultrasonic transit-time principle and is used to assist in diagnostic, network management, counting, checking installed flowmeters and process regulation.
Key Benefits
- clamp-on probes
- fast and easy to install
- no maintenance
- echo display (helpful for diagnostics)
- data acquisition
- high accuracy
- ergonomically designed
- user friendly
- sturdy
- cost effective
- no contact with the fluid
- no shut down of the process
- no moving parts, no pressure drop
- thickness measurement, temperature and calorific value measurement (options)
- compatible with all our insertion probes
- most liquids (water, chemical and petrochemical products, foodstuffs)
- most pipe materials (stainless steel, steel, copper, glass, PVC, cast iron) irrespective of lining
- flow speed from a few mm/s to more than 10m/s
Download Datasheet DigiSonic_E_Datasheet.pdf
If you require further information on this product or would like a quotation, please contact dp-flow on: